Hardwood flooring has been the traditional choice for rustic American homes looking for a natural warmth, but in the past decade or so, a new challenger has emerged that is gaining popularity. The new challenger is bamboo. While bamboo may not be considered a traditional American staple of older homes, it has been widely applied across Asia for generations, and is in fact, perhaps next to mud, one of the oldest building materials known to archaeologists.
“We’re starting to see more of an interest in bamboo,” said one installer of hardwood floors san jose. “I think the big thing is that it’s cheaper than wood, and the quality is pretty decent.”
The reason for this is because bamboo, like wood, is an extremely durable hard surface that is perfect for building houses, fences, and furniture of all shapes and sizes. Unlike wood, however, bamboo is not wood. Bamboo, technically, is grass. And like all grass, bamboo can grow much more quickly than lumber can be produced, which makes it the cheaper option. While hardwood trees take about 60 to 70 years to reach the age at which they’re ready to harvest, bamboo can reach full maturity in four.
Pros for Hardwood
Hardwood flooring has rustic American street cred and is generally considered beautiful among aficionados. It is durable, can last for decades (or even centuries) if properly maintained, will raise the value of homes in which it is installed, and there is a wide variety of different species, finishes, and textures to choose from. Wood is both renewable and recyclable, making it an eco friendly option and it doesn’t have to be shipped from very far to make its way into your home. While wood is still among the most costly options, it’s much cheaper than it was in years past, and affordable for many budgets.
Pros for Bamboo
Bamboo is hard and durable. In fact, it’s harder than oak, and it tends to be very resistant to temperature based expansion and contraction. While both are renewable, bamboo is far more rapidly renewable, growing much faster than wood. It also comes in a wide variety of colors, stains, and textures.
Cons for Hardwood
Hardwood won’t tolerate moisture making it a tough choice for more humid climates. While there are some moisture resistant species to choose from, that will also drive up the price. Manufacturers have done a great job of coming up with solutions to hardwood’s moisture intolerance, but it still can’t be installed around the kitchen or the bathroom. Wood can also fade if exposed to direct sunlight. Again manufacturers have done a good job of addressing this issue, but it still makes wood a not as great choice for rooms that get a lot of sunlight. It’s still not as compatible with radiant floor heating as it could be, but innovations in this area are already beginning to take place.
Cons for Bamboo
While eco-friendly in terms of renewability, it still has to be shipped from Asia in order to make its way to the US. Bamboo is entirely made from laminated strips. There is some question as to whether or not it can be refinished, and depending on how it’s made and what kind of bamboo is used, the quality can very heavily.