Replacing the Carpet with Hardwood Floors in San Jose 
In many ways, a nice clean carpet can look inviting. It provides a soft place for the kids to crawl around and play. People can lay on it to watch television when there isn't enough room on the couch. The plush fibers can also feel nice to someone walking on it in bare feet. The problem is that carpet doesn't stay like that. It also attracts a lot of things that have nothing to do with family togetherness.
Carpets Do Not Last
Carpets attract dust, dirt, germs, bugs, pet dander, and are easily stained even when the owners put forth their best efforts to keep it clean. The average usable lifespan of a carpet is just 3-5 years. A carpet that started out as white can be gray by the end of that time. By comparison, hardwood floors San Jose can last for decades, and provide a classic look that never goes out of style.
Carpeting becomes increasingly unhealthy the longer it stays installed in the home. With everything that stays absorbed in the fibers of the carpet, even with regular vacuuming and occasional professional cleaning, the overall air quality of the home is seriously compromised. Household members are more prone to colds and other illnesses. Those with indoor allergies suffer that much more, because the allergens never really go away.
Hardwood Floors May Help Increase a Home's Value
For those who might someday consider selling their home for any reason, hardwood floors in San Jose are an excellent investment. Home buyers want hardwood floors. According to the National Association of Realtors they will spend nearly $2100 more on average if there are hardwood floors.
Environmentally Responsible
Hardwood floors in San Jose are made from the most renewable material there is. While trees are cut down to make them, they are replanted at a much higher rate. A new tree that is planted today in order to use the wood will mature in 40-60 years, but it won't actually be needed for closer to 100 years. As the trees grow, they produce oxygen and improve outdoor air quality as well. Since wood floors can be kept clean through sweeping and vacuuming, it is less necessary to use chemicals on them that could potentially hurt they environment. Those who have a soft spot for soft spots to sit or crawl on the floor can always buy washable area rugs and mats for those purposes. That way they will have a beautiful, easy to care for floor they can be proud of.