Why Carpet is Becoming a Liability in Modern Homes
Hard flooring has many advantages over carpet. It doesn't need vacuuming, doesn't absorb spills, and doesn't absorb odors. For these reasons, it is becoming more and more popular as people move to easy-care lifestyles.
There are many kinds of hard floors, ranging from ceramic tile to hardwood. Choosing the right type for each area of the home is important for ensuring that all of the floors will look great for years to come. Here are some suggested placements for various flooring types:
Ceramic or Vinyl Tile
Both of these flooring types are good for areas that get wet or need to be wet-mopped on a regular basis. The bathroom tile needs to be especially water-resistant thanks to the humidity and puddles that accumulate after showers, but it's also important for the kitchen floor to be waterproof. Spills are common in the kitchen, so its floor needs to be stain-proof. It also needs to be able to withstand frequent wet-mopping so that spattered grease, dropped ingredients, and other materials can be thoroughly cleaned up.
Hardwood Floors San Jose are popular for dining areas and other rooms that don't get a lot of foot traffic. They look especially good over large expanses, so they're typically used where guests will see them. These areas are also good destinations for hardwood because they provide the environment that is needed to keep the floors looking good.
Such an environment needs to be dry, away from heavy traffic, and not prone to exposure to spills or materials that would require water to clean up. When they do need cleaning, a dry mop is usually all that's necessary. An occasional wet spill should be soaked up with paper towel right away, and a special hardwood cleaner used to remove any residue.
Laminate hardwood is actually made of compressed layers of other wood types and then finished with either a picture of an expensive wood or a veneer of the genuine article. It comes in a wide variety of quality levels, ranging from obviously-cheap to absolutely beautiful. Regardless of the price, it is best used in areas where hardwood would look good, but couldn't withstand the environmental stresses. By using all of these flooring types in the right areas, a home can look beautiful and have carefree floors that last for years. It's no wonder that in some areas, carpet is becoming a thing of the past.
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